What’s new on JPG: improved exhibition layout and editor, marketplace functionality tests and some big UX improvements

We’re excited to introduce a new curatorial layout and several improvements to our exhibition editor, allowing curators to create exhibitions with more freedom and control. This feature release also comes with general UX improvements for both curators and viewers, including improved navigation and exhibition discovery. Additionally, we are slowly rolling out marketplace functionality, starting with a Zora integration as part of panke.gallery and Office Impart’s NfTNeTArT exhibition, hosted on JPG, where artworks are listed for sale.

Here’s a full list of the improvements now live on JPG:

  • “Museum View” layout for curators
  • Improved exhibition discovery page
  • ZoraV3 fixed price marketplace integration
  • Username profile URLS
  • Import NFTs via Opensea, Zora, Looksrare, and Rainbow

Read through the different sections of this post to learn more about the new exhibition layout and editor, marketplace, and general UX improvements now live on JPG.

Exhibition editor + new Museum view

Curators working on JPG will notice there’s some major improvements within the editor:

  • More modular layout system
  • Pages to provide greater segmentation
  • In-line text for more context and narrative control
  • Exhibition previews that you can share with friends or colleagues for peer review
  • Save buttons at every stage of the curatorial process to make sure your work is safe

The Museum view, our newest layout, is a more versatile interface through which curators can fully customize their exhibition experience and create narratives using  different spatial elements, including text blocks, blank spaces and multiple pages that can serve as separately themed “rooms”.

With the Museum view, you can, for example, include an essay alongside your exhibition:

Here are some screenshots of the making of MP (and her dog Tupi’s) exhibition The Tupi Museum of Fine JPEGs:

Museum view - customizable rows
Museum view - customizable rows
More space for text (if you want it!)
More space for text (if you want it!)
Add text, pages, import NFTs directly while working on your exhibition
Add text, pages, import NFTs directly while working on your exhibition

To discover the full exhibition and experience the Museum view - click here.

Improved exhibition discovery

View from the new exhibitions page
View from the new exhibitions page

With this update, we are also introducing a new exhibition discovery section that makes it easier to find and preview the full range of exhibitions on JPG. . Since our launch, curators have created more than 70 exhibitions and counting. It’s our highest priority to improve the exhibition discovery experience so that people can see what’s happening on the  platform in an easy way.

What’s more, the navigation bar within each exhibition makes it easier for people to check out the details of their favorite NFTs.

Marketplace Functionality

Core to the mission of JPG is the improvement of discovery within the NFT ecosystem and the creation of new monetization paths for those using their expertise to curate and help promote creator’s works. The Zora integration, currently limited in scope on JPG, is a key step towards achieving that goal enabled by the ZoraV3 Finder’s Fee that allows a portion of a sale to be paid to the curator who exhibits the NFT.

As we receive feedback from our test partners and the larger community, we’ll be rolling out this functionality more comprehensively in JPG exhibitions.

Coming next: More social functionality, collaborative and community curation, and exhibition tagging

With much of the core product experience in place on JPG, we’ll be continuing to make UX improvements while experimenting with more communal forms of curation, exhibition tagging, and social functionality. These are critical steps that will lay the groundwork for JPG’s community to contribute to a much needed archival data layer for the NFT ecosystem.

Soon we will open up access to the platform for everyone - but first we need to test all these new features. If you wish to help us test and give us feedback, join our Discord and stay tuned for updates.

We’d like to thank all the curators who have been building with us for the past month. The feedback, comments and bugs you found have been extremely helpful and essential for this new iteration of JPG

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